Loan Agreements

Things To Do To Keep Your Car From Getting Stolen

By Mike Kay

So you have a new car. And you have saved three years worth of your salary to buy it. Or maybe you were approved a loan that obligates you with monthly payments for the next five years. How would you feel if suddenly, your car gets stolen just like that? It would be a sinking, painful feeling for sure. Well, there are ways to stop that from happening. Here’s what you can do to keep your car from getting stolen.

1. Don’t park in unfamiliar neighborhoods.

If you’re new in the place, it is best that you don’t park there at all. If you have to stop and ask for directions or anything, look for a gasoline station or convenience store to do that. These places are equipped with surveillance cameras so thieves are not likely to hang around there too much. But just the same, you have to be very careful.

2. Equip your car with an alarm system.

While an alarm system would do nothing but squeal for all its worth, it could scare the hell out of a possible car thief. At least, the people around him would know that he’s not the owner of that car because the alarm wasn’t switched off when he approached. Hopefully, the thief will run away and leave your car alone.


3. Never leave your car unlocked and running.

Even if you intend to leave your car for half a minute, it is never a good practice to leave your car unattended, running, and unlocked. You don’t know if there’s a car thief near you. If your car is in this state, it would take the thief a quarter of a second to slide into the driver’s seat, lock the car, drive away, and leave your running at your heels.

4. Engrave your name somewhere on the more expensive parts of your car.

While this might not always work, leaving some sort of a personal identification on your car may help you recognize it in the future. You never know but your car stereo may be stolen. Or it could be something as simple as the side mirrors of your car. Thing is, leave some marks on your car so even if they’re detached, you will still know that they’re yours.

5. Invest on a garage.

You might never suspect any of your neighbors taking your car away. But you will never know if somebody from ten cities away drops by the neighborhood with the sole intention of stealing a car in the middle of the night. Cars parked on plain view are easier to steal during the night. So don’t waste your garage if you have one. If you don’t have a garage, build one. And use it at all times.

6. Don’t hide second set of car keys somewhere in the car.

Car thieves are intelligent people. Don’t underestimate them for a second. It’s bad practice to put a second set of car keys under the skirt of your car. Somebody may chance upon it and leave you crying helplessly. If it works for your house, don’t do the same for your car.

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