Bill Gates releases mosquitoes during conference for malaria awareness

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bill Gates, the founder of computer software company Microsoft, tried to bring attention to malaria while speaking at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference on Wednesday February 4 in Long Beach, California. He did so by releasing a “swarm” of mosquitoes from a jar, into the crowd.

“Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some. Here I’ll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected,” said Gates as he opened the jar. After waiting a minute, Gates then stated that the mosquitoes were not infected with the disease.

“There is more money put into baldness drugs than into malaria. Now, baldness is a terrible thing and rich men are afflicted. That is why that priority has been set,” said Gates jokingly.

The prank was first reported by Dave Morin, Facebook’s manager, on the social networking and micro-blogging site Twitter. Morin stated that “Gates just released mosquito[e]s into the audience at TED and said: ‘Not only poor people should experience this,'” followed by a smiley face.

Gates donated nearly US$170 million to the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative in September 2008 to fund research to fight malaria, and develop a vaccine.

The TED conference, held annually, features, among other things, the latest in technology, science, and politics. People who have previously spoken at the conference include former United States president Bill Clinton and former vice president Al Gore.

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Ariel Sharon’s brain shows activity

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon remains in a coma after 10 days.

Medical experts on the outside say that Sharon’s failure to regain consciousness does not look well for his recovery.

On Wednesday, doctors began reducing the level of sedatives with the intent of drawing Sharon out of an induced coma. Hospital officials say that Sharon remains “lightly sedated”, but are not sure when he will wake up once they stop giving him the sedatives.

New reports say an EEG has shown that Sharon has activity on both sides of his brain and doctors say that’s the most “promising” signs they have had since they started to bring him out of the coma. Doctors also say that activity in both lobes doesn’t indicate anything about the extent of the brain damage. “It is another piece of information that on its own means nothing,” said Dr. Gal Ifergan, a neurologist at Soroka Medical Center in Beer Sheva, who is not treating Sharon.

Although he has activity on both sides of his brain, Sharon could still have extensive brain damage, Ifergan said. He also said that it’s “very worrisome that he hasn’t woken from his coma”, yet.

There are 2 major types of stroke, and Sharon has had both. The first was a mild stroke Dec. 18 caused by a blood clot that lodged in an artery in the brain, cutting off blood flow and causing minor damage. The second occurred just one day before he was scheduled to undergo surgery to repair a hole in his heart. This one was a severe cerebral hemorrhage

“After nine days he has had very slow progress and that indicates more permanent injury to a level where his quality of life is affected,” Dr. Demetrius Lopes, a Rush University Medical Center neurosurgeon said. “And then decisions will have to be made,” he added.

Sharon’s condition is still critical but stable.

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Earthmoving Machines

November Article Fa Qs For Suing The Government}

November–Article–FAQs For Suing the Government


David DuhrThe federal government may be held responsible for causing injury, death, or property damage. under what is called the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). Under what is called sovereign immunity, the federal government is generally immune from lawsuits. However, the Federal Tort Claims Act works to right this imbalance by making it possible to sue the government as if it were a private person.According to the Federal Tort Claims Act, the federal government may be liable for injury, death, and property damage under certain conditions.The Federal Tort Claims Act allows the United States government to be sued for negligence that causes injury, death, or damage to property. However, winning a Federal Tort Claims Act medical malpractice

suit against the federal government may be a complicated and time consuming process.. Below are nine frequently asked questions which will help you take the proper steps.

Who may file a Federal Tort Claims Act medical malpractice claim against the government ?Generally, any person or entity , whether a U.S. citizen or not, who has suffered injury, death, or property damage of negligence or wrongful acts by a federal employee. However, there are two main exceptions: 1) active duty personnel acting incident to service who become injured or are killed are excluded from winning a claim under what is called the Feres doctrine. Federal government employees who are injured on the job are covered by federal workers compensation and their avenue of recovery lies there.

At what point should I contact an attorney?

As soon as possible. The statute of limitations to file a suit under the Federal Tort Claims Act is two years. It takes time to gather documents and evidence, so it is crucial to allow an attorney enough time to properly evaluate your potential claim.

What is the process for filing a claim?


A federal tort claim must first be filed with the appropriate administrative agency, most often the agency at which the offending employee works. After the agency receives the claim there is a six month period where suit cannot be brought. If the claim is not resolved within those six months, a suit may then be filed against the U.S. government.

Is the process of filing a claim difficult?

The government employs highly-skilled attorneys who will vigorously defend each case. That’s why it is important that you consider hiring an attorney experienced in Federal Tort Claims Act medical malpractice


Are there repercussions for filing a claim against the government?

By passing the Federal Tort Claims Act, Congress gave explicit permission for suits against the federal government. A federal tort claims act case is a legal, proper, and civilized way to attempt to resolve a dispute involving injury, death, or property damage caused the federal government.

Am I unpatriotic for filing a Federal Tort Claims Act medical malpractice suit?

No. The Federal Tort Claims Act was created so that parties injured by a government agency have some recourse. Filing a claim might even prevent similar damages to others in the future.

Can I also sue the U.S. government in small claims court?

You are not allowed to sue the federal government in any state court without consent.

What if I live in a different city, state, or country from where the injury occurred?

Where you live is generally not a problem. In fact, it may give you additional options as to where your suit may be filed.

Should my attorney have experience in suing the federal government?

Experience is important. Trial experience is important. Many attorneys do not actually try cases against the federal government, they only settle them. It is important to consider the attorney’s successful trial experience against the government. Suing the government may be a difficult, arduous process. It also has many traps of which a less experienced attorney may not be aware.

It is essential to know your rights when you’ve been harmed by an agency or employee of the federal government. If you or a loved one has been injured due to US government negligence, find out how the law offices of Archuleta, Alsaffar, & Higginbotham may be able to help you recover under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Archuleta, Alsaffar & Higginbotham handles injury and malpractice claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act. If you or someone you know has been harmed by a federal employee because of negligence, contact the offices of Archuleta, Alsaffar & Higginbotham or visit


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Morning-after pill to be made available to 17-year-olds, U.S. federal judge rules

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A federal judge ruled Monday that the controversial morning-after pill Plan B must be made available without a prescription to girls as young as 17, citing the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) willingness to concede to the Bush administration’s conservative influences by setting the age limit to 18 in 2006.

Plan B, available in the United States since 1999, consists of two pills designed to prevent conception and must be taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse. Only since 2006 has it been available without a prescription, following lobbying from the World Health Organization and American Medical Association. Currently the drug is only available without a prescription to women over the age of 18.

The lawsuit was filed in 2005 by the Center for Reproductive Rights. In the ruling, the judge blasted the FDA for giving in to “political considerations” and delaying approval of the new age limit.

Susan F. Wood, former director of women’s health at the FDA, resigned in 2005 in protest over the agency’s handling of the drug.

“What happened with Plan B demonstrated that the agency was off track, and was not being allowed to do its job properly,” she said.

The Family Research Council, a conservative organization, said the judge had given in to “political ideology promoting sexual license for teens.”

The FDA says it is reviewing the ruling, which it has thirty days to comply with.

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Gregory Kurtzer discusses plans for Rocky Linux with Wikinews as Red Hat announces moving focus away from CentOS

Friday, December 18, 2020

Last week, on December 8, US-based software company Red Hat announced plans to shift their focus away from CentOS in favour of CentOS stream.

Started in 2004, CentOS has been a free-of-cost free/libre open source software which provided binary-code compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) — Red Hat’s GNU General Public Licensed paid operating system. Gregory Kurtzer told Wikinews he started CAOS Linux around the time when Red Hat announced End of Life for their Red Hat Linux in favour of subscription-based Red Hat Enterprise Linux. CAOS was succeeded by CentOS when Rocky McGaugh, a developer of CAOS rebuilt the source code of RHEL to provide a monetarily free alternative. CentOS was absorbed into Red Hat in 2014, with Red Hat gaining the trademark rights of “CentOS”.

Red Hat also sponsors the development of the Fedora operating system. Until now, software development took place on Fedora, which was later adopted in RHEL, which the Red Hat maintained and provided support for, for those customers who had RHEL subscription. CentOS would then follow RHEL’s release cycle to provide the same features free of cost, but without the support.

Stream was announced in September 2019, just two months after Red Hat was acquired by IBM. CentOS Stream’s development cycle had new features added to it before the features became a part of RHEL. Stream receives more frequent updates, however, it does not follow RHEL’s release cycle.

With CentOS Stream, developments from the community and the Red Hat employees would take place beforehand on both Fedora, and Stream as a rolling release, before those features are absorbed into RHEL. CentOS followed the release cycle of RHEL and therefore it was a stable distribution. Features available in CentOS were tried and tested by Fedora, and then RHEL maintainers.

Red Hat’s Chief Technical Officer Chris Wright wrote in the announcement “CentOS Stream isn’t a replacement for CentOS Linux; rather, it’s a natural, inevitable next step intended to fulfill the project’s goal of furthering enterprise Linux innovation.” Since the announcement was made, many people expressed their anger on Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Reddit and CentOS project’s mailing list. CentOS 8’s End of Life (EOL) has been moved up from May 2029 to December 31, 2021, while CentOS 7 is expected to receive maintenance updates through June 2024, outliving CentOS 8.

Soon after Red Hat’s announcement, Kurtzer announced his intentions to develop Rocky Linux, to fill the role CentOS had been playing for so long. Kurtzer said Rocky Linux was named after Rocky McGaugh. “Thinking back to early CentOS days… My cofounder was Rocky McGaugh. He is no longer with us, so as a H/T [hat tip] to him, who never got to see the success that CentOS came to be, I introduce to you…Rocky Linux”, Kurtzer wrote. Wikinews discussed with Kurtzer the beginning of CentOS, and future of Rocky Linux.

While no formal date of release has been announced for Rocky Linux, Kurtzer said they are planning to release the CentOS replacement before the end of life of CentOS 8. Kurtzer also said Rocky Linux will run on both x86-64 and ARM-based processors, and CentOS users would be able to convert their OS to Rocky Linux just by running a single command.

Saying Rocky Linux is for the community, Kurtzer said he “take[s] the responsibility of ensuring that all decisions are in favor of the community and the project and free from corporate control” including his own company. Talking about the attention from the userbase Rocky Linux has received, Kurtzer said, “I have never seen an open community come together this fast and be this passionate about working together towards a common goal.”

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Sweden’s Crown Princess marries long-time boyfriend

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sweden’s first royal wedding since 1976 took place Saturday when Crown Princess Victoria, 32, married her long-time boyfriend and former personal trainer, Daniel Westling, 36. The ceremony took place at Stockholm Cathedral.

Over 1,200 guests, including many rulers, politicians, royals and other dignitaries from across the world, attended the wedding, which cost an estimated 20 million Swedish kronor. Victoria wore a wedding dress with five-metre long train designed by Pär Engsheden. She wore the same crown that her mother, Queen Silvia, wore on her wedding day 34 years previously, also on June 19. Victoria’s father, King Carl XVI Gustaf, walked Victoria down the aisle, which was deemed untraditional by many. In Sweden, the bride and groom usually walk down the aisle together, emphasising the country’s views on equality. Victoria met with Daniel half-way to the altar, where they exchanged brief kisses, and, to the sounds of the wedding march, made their way to the the silver altar. She was followed by ten bridesmaids. The couple both had tears in their eyes as they said their vows, and apart from fumbling when they exchanged rings, the ceremony went smoothly.

Following the ceremony, the couple headed a fast-paced procession through central Stockholm on a horse-drawn carriage, flanked by police and security. Up to 500,000 people are thought to have lined the streets. They then boarded the Vasaorden, the same royal barge Victoria’s parents used in their wedding, and traveled through Stockholm’s waters, accompanied by flyover of 18 fighter jets near the end of the procession. A wedding banquet followed in the in the Hall of State of the Royal Palace.

Controversy has surrounded the engagement and wedding between the Crown Princess and Westling, a “commoner”. Victoria met Westling as she was recovering from bulemia in 2002. He owned a chain of gymnasiums and was brought in to help bring Victoria back to full health. Westling was raised in a middle-class family in Ockelbo, in central Sweden. His father managed a social services centre, and his mother worked in a post office. When the relationship was made public, Westling was mocked as an outsider and the king was reportedly horrified at the thought of his daughter marrying a “commoner”, even though he did so when he married Silvia. Last year, Westling underwent transplant surgery for a congenital kidney disorder. The Swedish public have been assured that he will be able to have children and that his illness will not be passed on to his offspring.

Westling underwent years of training to prepare for his new role in the royal family, including lessons in etiquette, elocution, and multi-lingual small talk; and a makeover that saw his hair being cropped short, and his plain-looking glasses and clothes being replaced by designer-wear.

Upon marrying the Crown Princess, Westling took his wife’s ducal title and is granted the style “His Royal Highness”. He is now known as HRH Prince Daniel, Duke of Västergötland. He also has his own coat-of-arms and monogram. When Victoria assumes the throne and becomes Queen, Daniel will not become King, but assume a supportive role, similar to that of Prince Phillip, the husband of the United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth II.

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Mining And Drilling

What To Expect From An Engine Tune Up Service In Forest Lake, Mn


Engine tune up service in Forest Lake MN commonly includes replacement of spark plugs and wires, replacing the distributor cap, and performing a visual inspection of engine components and related parts. Spark plugs are located on the head of each cylinder, and each is connected to an insulated wire. These parts gradually wear out over time. A computerized diagnostic service also may be performed to identify any problems not easily seen. Depending on the age of the vehicle, the mechanic may adjust the idle speed and ignition timing. This is only necessary on older models since computers automatically control idle and timing on newer cars and trucks.


Changing the air filter is a good idea if it hasn’t been done recently. Mechanics may recommend changing the fuel filter as well. A clean air filter means better gas mileage and engine performance. Fuel filters block tiny particles of debris in gasoline or diesel fuel that otherwise could get into the engine.

Although vehicle owners miles. Vehicle owners normally drive for years before getting a tuneup. They may not realize it’s time for a tuneup unless the “check engine” light comes on.

Pricing for Engine Tune Up Service in Forest Lake MN varies a great deal depending on the vehicle, the quality of spark plugs the owner chooses, and whether any other parts should be replaced. Of course, pricing also varies among garages for the same model and automotive work. Vehicle owners might want to call a few places to learn the cost of a standard tuneup. They should keep in mind, however, that the cheapest price doesn’t always mean the best option.

Essentially, a tuneup is intended to make an engine run smoother, improve performance, and boost fuel economy. Contact American Imports to schedule the service if it is due or if the vehicle has any symptoms indicating the need for a tuneup.

Darling announces UK budget for 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The United Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, yesterday announced the 2009 budget. The budget is an annual audit of the nation’s finances, and decides what should be done with taxpayers’ money.

The chancellor fell under scorn for his GDP growth forecasts, which are considered to be too optimistic in predicting that Britain will bounce back from its weakest economic performance since the end of the second world war. Darling forecast GDP growth of 3.5% in 2011, even after he was made to downgrade his predictions. He expects a record expansion of 1.25% next year, but chief UK economist Howard Archer disagrees, calling Darling’s predictions “mildly optimistic in the near term and much more optimistic in the long term.”

Was the increase in the ISA limit “too little, too late”?
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His plans for savers and pensioners, however, were commended by many, though was also criticised by a large portion of the populace. In the budget, Darling increased the amount that savers can put into an Individual Savings Account (ISA) from £7,200 to £10,200, of which £5,100 can be saved in cash. These increased limits will be available only to people aged over 50 from 6 October this year, and will not be available to everyone until 6 April next year. A number of financial experts described the move as being “too little, too late”, and Rumina Hassam, of price comparison website, said: “The government’s decision to increase the cash ISA limit by £1,500 to £5,100 for the over 50’s is a just another kick in the teeth for the majority of savers as they will have to wait even longer to benefit. There is no doubt that savers have been sacrificed as a result of the plummeting base rate, bringing savings rates to an all time low.”

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New Internet addresses tested on World IPv6 Day

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Online organisations around the world are today testing Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) — a new system of Internet addresses hoped to resolve the issue of the present system being at capacity. World IPv6 Day is checking everything works as planned.

The current IPv4 standard was set up in the 1980s; it gives everything on the Internet a twelve-digit address and allows for 4.3 billion combinations. With these exhausted, IPv6 is designed to increase the limit 340 undecillion — that’s 340 trillion trillion trillion.

Major websites including services run by Google, Facebook, and Yahoo! are taking part in the test, switching their content to use the new system. Facebook predicts 99.97% of users to be unaffected and Google anticipates 99.5% will not encounter problems. The remainder may encounter slow page loading.

Fiji and Australia are among the first countries to have business-hours web traffic during the test. Internet Society of Australia President Tony Hill claims more than 100 global companies are involved.

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Imprisoned Haitian priest may need US doctors

Friday, December 16, 2005

Supporters of jailed priest Jean-Juste say that he needs medical treatment in the United States. His attourney, Bill Quigley, told reporters that the priest, who was considered a potential presidential candidate before his arrest and long detainment, may have cancer and should be released so that he can seek medical attention in the United States. A doctor, Dr. John Carroll, who examined Jean-Juste said that an abnormal white blood cell count, as well as swelling in his neck and under his arms could be early signs of cancer. The government of interim President Alenxandre said that their doctors have examined the priest as well and said no signs of cancer exist.

Jean-Juste has been in jail since July when he was arrested at a funeral of a popular Haitian journalist and poet. He was originally detained for questioning related to the murder but also allegations of illegal weapons possessions have been brought up. He’s yet to be charged in any crimes. The doctor who made the claim of possible cancer is a supporter of Jean-Juste and some might think that this is an exaggeration to allow Jean-Juste out of Haiti to plan his political future.

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